Sleman (31/8)
Ketua club sepatu roda EMIC Andry Mulawarman mengumumkan pada para anggota, latihan sepatu roda akan kembali aktif setelah lebaran. Selama bulan puasa ini para pengurus mengadakan koordinasi untuk menata kembali manajemen EMIC. Tempat latihan sementara akan diadakan di jalan Paingan, timur stadion. EMIC rencana akan dilatih oleh Ronald, dibantu oleh atlet PON 2008 seperti Tifa, Sasa, Wisco, dan Agus.
Dikatakan Andry, tahun 2009 stadion Paingan akan dibangun tempat parkir yang sekaligus untuk tirkuit sepatu roda dan race motor.
Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008
Senin, 04 Agustus 2008
Atlet Sepatu Roda DI Yogyakarta PON XVII/2008
Atlet Sepatu bRoda PON XVII/2008 Kaltim
Sesuai hasil penilaian dan pencermatan Bidang Pembinaan Prestasi terhadap atlet dan ofisial yang telah selesai mengikuti babak kualifikasi PON XVII/2008, KONI DIY mengeluarkan SK Nomor 04 tahun 2008 yang berlaku sejak 1 Maret 2008. Sekretaris Umum KONI DIY Ir Bambang Kartika, Selasa (4/3), menyebutkan, SK KONI DIY itu, menetapkan peserta Pelatda PON XVII/2008 yang seluruhnya berjumlah 156 atlet dan ofisial dari 24 cabang olahraga, belum termasuk tenis lapangan. Selanjutnya, bagi para atlet dan ofisial peserta Pelatda PON XVII/2008 dilakukan sistem degradasi, sehingga secara periodik prestasinya akan dievaluasi.
Berikut ini nama para atlet dan ofisial peserta Pelatda PON XVII/2008 KONI DIY khusus cabang olahraga Sepatu Roda:
Atlet :
1. Pramestiara
2. Agus Widodo
3. Anindya Wening M
4. Y. Ardito
5. Ageng Cahya
6. Zaki Oktania Z.
7. Sugeng Laksono
Manager :
8. Ir. Masda Siwi
Pelatih :
9. Astana Heriawan
Ass.Pelatih :
10 Alexander Pakpahan
Sumber : KONI Provinsi DIY
Sesuai hasil penilaian dan pencermatan Bidang Pembinaan Prestasi terhadap atlet dan ofisial yang telah selesai mengikuti babak kualifikasi PON XVII/2008, KONI DIY mengeluarkan SK Nomor 04 tahun 2008 yang berlaku sejak 1 Maret 2008. Sekretaris Umum KONI DIY Ir Bambang Kartika, Selasa (4/3), menyebutkan, SK KONI DIY itu, menetapkan peserta Pelatda PON XVII/2008 yang seluruhnya berjumlah 156 atlet dan ofisial dari 24 cabang olahraga, belum termasuk tenis lapangan. Selanjutnya, bagi para atlet dan ofisial peserta Pelatda PON XVII/2008 dilakukan sistem degradasi, sehingga secara periodik prestasinya akan dievaluasi.
Berikut ini nama para atlet dan ofisial peserta Pelatda PON XVII/2008 KONI DIY khusus cabang olahraga Sepatu Roda:
Atlet :
1. Pramestiara
2. Agus Widodo
3. Anindya Wening M
4. Y. Ardito
5. Ageng Cahya
6. Zaki Oktania Z.
7. Sugeng Laksono
Manager :
8. Ir. Masda Siwi
Pelatih :
9. Astana Heriawan
Ass.Pelatih :
10 Alexander Pakpahan
Sumber : KONI Provinsi DIY
Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008
Petunjuk Umum untuk melatih Sepatu Roda (Inline Skate)
Tips untuk pelatih sepatu roda (inline skate)
Artikel ini ditulis oleh Bill Begg, pelatih sepatu roda kaliber dunia (super coach) khusus untuk speed skating. Banyak skater dari seluruh penjuru dunia yang ribuan mil jauhnya datang ke dia untuk berlatih, dengan satu tujuan meraih medali emas! Di manapun dia melatih, selalu mencetak juara. Berikut ini adalah tips yang saya terjemahkan secara bebas, tanpa menambah-mengurangi arti.
1) Coaching is not an EGO trip: Tujuan dari atlet bukan untuk mencium lutut Anda karena Anda seorang pelatih. Hendaknya, kita bekerja untuk sebuah strategi bagaimana mencapai tujuan (mencetak juara). Ensure you don't elevate yourself to far above them, or you will lose the good strong willed athletes.
2) Great Coaches: kenalkan secara umum apa visi Anda, dan sampaikan ke atlet. Apakah Anda sudah punya visi ke depan untuk para atlet yang Anda latih?, Dan apakah visi Anda itu sudah sering disampaikan ke para atlet?
3) Ex Top Athletes, be aware, to not try & create life clones: Work with your athletes where they are currently at in their training. Until they work out of where they are, you won't get them to do exactly what you want them to do right away. It may take a year or two for this to happen.
4) Show them how: Don't tell them what to do, teach them what to do!
Ingat pepatah ini:
I see I forget,
I hear I forget
I see, I hear, I DO, I remember.
5) Don't take for granted that athletes understand: Pastikan Anda punya Tujuan, Strategi, & dan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapainya.
Sebagai pelatih Anda perlu untuk PRETEND to yourself, that your athletes, don't think, don't read, don't hear, ensure that they fully understand what it is you are trying to convey to them, so you can help them be successful.
Ask one of the group, to display or relate to the others what you have just asked them to do, then you will know, if you have communicated correctly.
6) Handle hesitant athletes differently than negative athletes: Anda sebagai coach & leader, harus bisa membedakan antara dua hal, as problems can be caused, by putting hesitant ones in the wrong box. You could lose a great potential athlete, beware and think about it, as we all do have them, Nurturing them, is the key.
7) Think Win, Win: In potential conflict situations with your athletes, there will be compromise, which always entails someone having to give up something, at some cost, where as win, win, is looking for a better solution, where no one loses out, easier said than done, but if good old Kiwi ingenuity is alive & well, its not a problem.
For example, I had a girl Claire an Intermediate under 17s that was going to give up, one section of people in the club were putting pressure on her, that she had to do the cycling that she disliked. I said to Claire that she did not need to bike & I was happy to see her 3 times per week, as she was part of the team & she probably wanted to be here with her friends, also if she gave up she would have trouble keeping her body in good shape, plus this way she could have her social life, I took the pressure off her, & she trained even on Christmas eve & boxing day night, she normally would not do that voluntarily, she got keener than ever & I saw her 5 times per week, she won all the Intermediate ladies track & road & was part of our team that won the senior mixed 4 track relay. The club & myself got what we wanted. She enjoyed her skating, remained in touch with friends & enjoyed winning, no one lost out, we all gained, therefore this is a Win Win.
8) A Problem: There is no such thing as a problem, only the lack of an idea.
9) Criticism: Ensure you sandwich, every bit of it, between two hefty slices of praise. Do not just constantly criticize your athletes.
10) Success & Speed of the group: Usually relates to the speed & success of the leader. You as the coach are the leader, or some leader in the group, success is directly relating to you.
11) Helping Them: That’s what your athletes are interested in. They want to know, how you are going to help them reach their goals, by helping others succeed, you will then ensure your own success.
12) Organised & Arranged: Athletes will do what is arranged & organised. They will support it even stronger, if they were part of helping create it.
13) Goal Setting Is Important: Have you ever tried to do a jigsaw puzzle, without looking at the picture first? To not have set goals would leave you in the same position.
The picture always needs to be clear, help your athletes achieve their goals, by implementing a plan, utilizing your resources & taking appropriate actions.
14) Your goals & Dreams: Drive you to get to training every night, to help your athletes, once you are there, yours are locked back in your subconscious, you are only interested in helping them fulfill their goals & dreams.
15) Invisible sign: Remember, everyone has an invisible sign around their neck, make me feel important. Everyone bar none, are susceptible to a little ego stroking.
16) Sport is part of your life: Encourage your athletes to have some other minor outlets, if their sport becomes their life totally, & things don't turn out right, you end up with major psychological problems. When training athletes fulltime, particularly females, when there is no commitment to weekend competitions, try to finish training by 10am Saturday morning, with no training till after 5pm Sunday. This allows them a life, to get out & enjoy themselves, barbecue's, weekends at the beach, disco's are all possible, plus there is a minor regeneration phase with nearly a day & a half, with no formal training sessions. It's win win situation. They get time out & the coach & athletes all have a rest, but you still get your sessions in, it works well for full time time athletes.
17) Life's Do's & Don'ts: Life is about doing what you have to do, to be able to do what you want to do. Are you prepared to change what you are now, for who you could become in the future? Ask your athletes this question & remind them of the 1st law of success. "The only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary".
18) You must be brave enough to risk failure: As a coach & as a competitor, in order to achieve success at the highest level you do a lot of experimenting & recording. If it doesn't bring the desired outcome, don't repeat it. Why do you think the average millionaire in the U.S.A. is 57 years old & been broke 5 times. They obviously tried something different, from what they had been doing previously. If you do what everyone else does & follow them, you will always be second, every new idea was invented by someone, why not you?
19) Whenever possible train your learners with your champions: This way they learn the good skills, lessons in self discipline & you can save yourself years of hardship in trying to teach them new skills as well as trying to change bad habits. The new athletes need the skilled coaches time. The skilled athletes usually only need their encouragement & inspiration, as they should know what they are doing & not need a crutch to lean on all the time. Another advantage is during warm ups & stretching etc. when the slower skaters can easily keep up with the faster ones. The good skaters can help the others without interrupting their training. You can utilise the buddy system.
20) Golden Rules:
(a) Treat others, how you yourself would like to be treated.
(b) Make your Athletes feel good about themselves.
(c) All athletes have potential, its up to you as the coach to find it.
(d) Train with a purpose, never ever train for the sake of training.
(e) For top level athletes, stress is a function of life & sport, you have to learn to cope with it, so you train for it, by once per week putting them under stress. For example in Perth we used to have them cycle the 70Km death valley course, but not as a group, solo at 2 minute intervals, with the stopwatch on everyone, they had times that they needed to achieve, the times were very hard & difficult to maintain. Another way is the mystery tour, an undetermined number of laps around the rink, giving it everything 2 laps to go... sorry a mistake, the lap counter was wrong coming for the finish, they have mixed up the laps now only 4 to go. Last lap give it everything, sorry haven't got the flag. Now give me another lap. You done that now one more for good luck.
(d) Be Productive, make a list of 6 things to do each day, tick off the list each day the ones you complete, those you don't, put back on your daily list till you do them, then you will be able to become productive.
© Bill Begg 2001. Edited by Alexander Bont
Diposting oleh Rakhmat Supriyono / Pemerhati Sepatu Roda, tinggal di Yogyakarta
Tips untuk pelatih sepatu roda (inline skate)
Artikel ini ditulis oleh Bill Begg, pelatih sepatu roda kaliber dunia (super coach) khusus untuk speed skating. Banyak skater dari seluruh penjuru dunia yang ribuan mil jauhnya datang ke dia untuk berlatih, dengan satu tujuan meraih medali emas! Di manapun dia melatih, selalu mencetak juara. Berikut ini adalah tips yang saya terjemahkan secara bebas, tanpa menambah-mengurangi arti.
1) Coaching is not an EGO trip: Tujuan dari atlet bukan untuk mencium lutut Anda karena Anda seorang pelatih. Hendaknya, kita bekerja untuk sebuah strategi bagaimana mencapai tujuan (mencetak juara). Ensure you don't elevate yourself to far above them, or you will lose the good strong willed athletes.
2) Great Coaches: kenalkan secara umum apa visi Anda, dan sampaikan ke atlet. Apakah Anda sudah punya visi ke depan untuk para atlet yang Anda latih?, Dan apakah visi Anda itu sudah sering disampaikan ke para atlet?
3) Ex Top Athletes, be aware, to not try & create life clones: Work with your athletes where they are currently at in their training. Until they work out of where they are, you won't get them to do exactly what you want them to do right away. It may take a year or two for this to happen.
4) Show them how: Don't tell them what to do, teach them what to do!
Ingat pepatah ini:
I see I forget,
I hear I forget
I see, I hear, I DO, I remember.
5) Don't take for granted that athletes understand: Pastikan Anda punya Tujuan, Strategi, & dan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapainya.
Sebagai pelatih Anda perlu untuk PRETEND to yourself, that your athletes, don't think, don't read, don't hear, ensure that they fully understand what it is you are trying to convey to them, so you can help them be successful.
Ask one of the group, to display or relate to the others what you have just asked them to do, then you will know, if you have communicated correctly.
6) Handle hesitant athletes differently than negative athletes: Anda sebagai coach & leader, harus bisa membedakan antara dua hal, as problems can be caused, by putting hesitant ones in the wrong box. You could lose a great potential athlete, beware and think about it, as we all do have them, Nurturing them, is the key.
7) Think Win, Win: In potential conflict situations with your athletes, there will be compromise, which always entails someone having to give up something, at some cost, where as win, win, is looking for a better solution, where no one loses out, easier said than done, but if good old Kiwi ingenuity is alive & well, its not a problem.
For example, I had a girl Claire an Intermediate under 17s that was going to give up, one section of people in the club were putting pressure on her, that she had to do the cycling that she disliked. I said to Claire that she did not need to bike & I was happy to see her 3 times per week, as she was part of the team & she probably wanted to be here with her friends, also if she gave up she would have trouble keeping her body in good shape, plus this way she could have her social life, I took the pressure off her, & she trained even on Christmas eve & boxing day night, she normally would not do that voluntarily, she got keener than ever & I saw her 5 times per week, she won all the Intermediate ladies track & road & was part of our team that won the senior mixed 4 track relay. The club & myself got what we wanted. She enjoyed her skating, remained in touch with friends & enjoyed winning, no one lost out, we all gained, therefore this is a Win Win.
8) A Problem: There is no such thing as a problem, only the lack of an idea.
9) Criticism: Ensure you sandwich, every bit of it, between two hefty slices of praise. Do not just constantly criticize your athletes.
10) Success & Speed of the group: Usually relates to the speed & success of the leader. You as the coach are the leader, or some leader in the group, success is directly relating to you.
11) Helping Them: That’s what your athletes are interested in. They want to know, how you are going to help them reach their goals, by helping others succeed, you will then ensure your own success.
12) Organised & Arranged: Athletes will do what is arranged & organised. They will support it even stronger, if they were part of helping create it.
13) Goal Setting Is Important: Have you ever tried to do a jigsaw puzzle, without looking at the picture first? To not have set goals would leave you in the same position.
The picture always needs to be clear, help your athletes achieve their goals, by implementing a plan, utilizing your resources & taking appropriate actions.
14) Your goals & Dreams: Drive you to get to training every night, to help your athletes, once you are there, yours are locked back in your subconscious, you are only interested in helping them fulfill their goals & dreams.
15) Invisible sign: Remember, everyone has an invisible sign around their neck, make me feel important. Everyone bar none, are susceptible to a little ego stroking.
16) Sport is part of your life: Encourage your athletes to have some other minor outlets, if their sport becomes their life totally, & things don't turn out right, you end up with major psychological problems. When training athletes fulltime, particularly females, when there is no commitment to weekend competitions, try to finish training by 10am Saturday morning, with no training till after 5pm Sunday. This allows them a life, to get out & enjoy themselves, barbecue's, weekends at the beach, disco's are all possible, plus there is a minor regeneration phase with nearly a day & a half, with no formal training sessions. It's win win situation. They get time out & the coach & athletes all have a rest, but you still get your sessions in, it works well for full time time athletes.
17) Life's Do's & Don'ts: Life is about doing what you have to do, to be able to do what you want to do. Are you prepared to change what you are now, for who you could become in the future? Ask your athletes this question & remind them of the 1st law of success. "The only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary".
18) You must be brave enough to risk failure: As a coach & as a competitor, in order to achieve success at the highest level you do a lot of experimenting & recording. If it doesn't bring the desired outcome, don't repeat it. Why do you think the average millionaire in the U.S.A. is 57 years old & been broke 5 times. They obviously tried something different, from what they had been doing previously. If you do what everyone else does & follow them, you will always be second, every new idea was invented by someone, why not you?
19) Whenever possible train your learners with your champions: This way they learn the good skills, lessons in self discipline & you can save yourself years of hardship in trying to teach them new skills as well as trying to change bad habits. The new athletes need the skilled coaches time. The skilled athletes usually only need their encouragement & inspiration, as they should know what they are doing & not need a crutch to lean on all the time. Another advantage is during warm ups & stretching etc. when the slower skaters can easily keep up with the faster ones. The good skaters can help the others without interrupting their training. You can utilise the buddy system.
20) Golden Rules:
(a) Treat others, how you yourself would like to be treated.
(b) Make your Athletes feel good about themselves.
(c) All athletes have potential, its up to you as the coach to find it.
(d) Train with a purpose, never ever train for the sake of training.
(e) For top level athletes, stress is a function of life & sport, you have to learn to cope with it, so you train for it, by once per week putting them under stress. For example in Perth we used to have them cycle the 70Km death valley course, but not as a group, solo at 2 minute intervals, with the stopwatch on everyone, they had times that they needed to achieve, the times were very hard & difficult to maintain. Another way is the mystery tour, an undetermined number of laps around the rink, giving it everything 2 laps to go... sorry a mistake, the lap counter was wrong coming for the finish, they have mixed up the laps now only 4 to go. Last lap give it everything, sorry haven't got the flag. Now give me another lap. You done that now one more for good luck.
(d) Be Productive, make a list of 6 things to do each day, tick off the list each day the ones you complete, those you don't, put back on your daily list till you do them, then you will be able to become productive.
© Bill Begg 2001. Edited by Alexander Bont
Diposting oleh Rakhmat Supriyono / Pemerhati Sepatu Roda, tinggal di Yogyakarta
(LAND TRAINING, Latihan fisik tanpa memakai sepatu roda)
Split jumps, tuck jumps, cross overs, low walk, side 2 side jumps.
Tuck Jumps, One Leg Jumps, Explosive Step, Split Jumps, Cross-Overs, Sit Ups, Down Stairs, Stair Jumps, Explosive Box Jumps, Step Ups, Leg Lifts. for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.
Oleh Alexander Bont
Diterjemahkan dan diposting oleh: Rakhmat Supriyono, Pengamat Sepatu Roda, tinggal di Yogyakarta.
(LAND TRAINING, Latihan fisik tanpa memakai sepatu roda)
Split jumps, tuck jumps, cross overs, low walk, side 2 side jumps.
Tuck Jumps, One Leg Jumps, Explosive Step, Split Jumps, Cross-Overs, Sit Ups, Down Stairs, Stair Jumps, Explosive Box Jumps, Step Ups, Leg Lifts. for Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.
Oleh Alexander Bont
Latihan plyometric dan jumping merupakan kunci untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dan kekuatan fisik (speed and power) dalam olahraga sepatu roda. Selama beberapa tahun mengikuti latihan di beberapa negara dengan berbagai pelatih yang berbeda, akhirnya saya merangkum program-program latihan yang sekiranya paling efisien untuk olahraga sepatu roda.
Artikel ini hanya sebagai petunjuk, pelatih anda perlu menulis program latihan anda untuk mengetahui kebutuhan individual fisik anda. Jika anda berusia di atas 40, anda perlu cek kondisi fisik oleh ahli fisik sebelum mengikuti latihan. Berlatihlah dengan batasan-batasan waktu. Latihan ini dapat mengakibatkan pegel-pegel otot pada hari berikutnya, sehingga perlu dimulai dari latihan yang ringan dan tingkatkan setiap minggu.
Program latihan ini dilakukan 1-2 kali per minggu. Satu 'Rep' adalah 1 repetisi gerakan latihan yang isinya 1 jump atau 1 hop. Satu 'Set' artinya satu group latihan yang sama. Setiap set harus diselingi istirahat 1-2 menit.
Ok, mari kita coba.
Artikel ini hanya sebagai petunjuk, pelatih anda perlu menulis program latihan anda untuk mengetahui kebutuhan individual fisik anda. Jika anda berusia di atas 40, anda perlu cek kondisi fisik oleh ahli fisik sebelum mengikuti latihan. Berlatihlah dengan batasan-batasan waktu. Latihan ini dapat mengakibatkan pegel-pegel otot pada hari berikutnya, sehingga perlu dimulai dari latihan yang ringan dan tingkatkan setiap minggu.
Program latihan ini dilakukan 1-2 kali per minggu. Satu 'Rep' adalah 1 repetisi gerakan latihan yang isinya 1 jump atau 1 hop. Satu 'Set' artinya satu group latihan yang sama. Setiap set harus diselingi istirahat 1-2 menit.
Ok, mari kita coba.
Sesi 1 (dari 3 sesi)
Pemanasan (Warm up) : jogging selama 5 menit.
Stretching: 5 minutes.
1. Tuck Jumps: Pastikan kedua lutut mendekati dada. Begitu kaki menyentuh tanah secepatnya meloncat lagi.
Lihat foto di bawah ini.
Pemanasan (Warm up) : jogging selama 5 menit.
Stretching: 5 minutes.
1. Tuck Jumps: Pastikan kedua lutut mendekati dada. Begitu kaki menyentuh tanah secepatnya meloncat lagi.
Lihat foto di bawah ini.
- Beginner 10 Reps
- Intermediate 10 Reps
- Advanced 10 Reps
- Intermediate 10 Reps
- Advanced 10 Reps
One Leg Jumps: lompat dengan 1 kaki. Dimulai dengan salah satu kaki membentuk sudut 90 derajat. Kemudian lompat setinggi mungkin dan mendarat dengan kaki satunya. Usahakan agar kaki penyeimbang tidak menyentuh tanah. Mendaratlah dengan salah satu kaki sebagai penyangga badan dan kemudian lompat lagi kembali ke posisi semula. ANDA HARUS MELOMPAT DENGAN LEMBUT.

Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 12 Reps = 6 per leg
- Intermediate 14 Reps = 7 per leg
- Advanced 16 Reps = 8 per leg
Explosive Step: Latihan explosive step cukup berat maka jika kondisi lutut, punggung dan pergelangan kaki kurang fit, lewati dulu latihan ini. Cari satu pijakan (misal kotak) yang stabil untuk berdiri, tingginya sekitar tinggi lutut bagi pemula, dan 1 meter (setinggi pinggang) bagi advanced. Berdirilah di atas kotak tersebut. Landasan di bawahnya harus keras, bukan rumput. Step off the object, don't jump off. AS SOON as your feet touch the ground do a tuck jump straight up in the air, not forward. Tunggulah beberapa saat, kemudian lakukan lagi, atau jika anda berlatih dengan teman dapat bergantian. Pastikan anda benar-benar merasa siap sebelum lompatan berikutnya.
Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 8 Reps
- Intermediate 8 Reps
- Advanced 10 Reps
Split Jumps: Letakkan kaki kanan di depan, dan letakkan lutut kiri di atas tanah di belakang anda. Lalu, lompat setinggi mungkin, dan ubah posisi kaki kiri di depan dan kaki kanan di belakang. Begitu lutut belakang menyentuh tanah, lompat lagi. Teruslah melompat secara teratur tanpa berhenti sampai selesai 1 set.
Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 40 Reps = 20 per leg
- Intermediate 40-60 Reps = 20-30 per leg
- Advanced 70-100 Reps = 35-50 per leg
Cross-Overs: Bersiaplah seperti posisi bersepatu roda (lebih rendah dari posisi inline skater). Letakkan kaki kiri di belakang kaki kanan. Melompatlah dari kaki kanan ke kiri dan berakhir dengan posisi kaki kanan berada di belakang kaki kiri. Usahakan agar posisi kepala tetap tegak menghadap ke depan, jangan menghadap ke tanah.
Pada sesi awal latihan dilakukan selama 2 menit, istirahat 2 menit. Sesi berikutnya kalau anda ingin memiliki sprint bagus, tingkatkan 30 detik AS HARD AS YOU CAN.
Pada sesi awal lakukan 4-5 Set
- Beginner 90 detik, istirahat 120 detik
- Intermediate 120 detik, istirahat 120 detik
- Advanced 120 detik, istirahat 120 detik
Pada akhir sesi lakukan 4-5 Set
- Beginner 30 detik
- Intermediate 30 detik
- Advanced 30 detik
Sit Ups: Sit ups selalu diperlukan. Sit ups sangat membantu punggung saat lari jarak jauh. Saya temukan jenis sit ups terbaik yaitu kombinasi mengangkat crunch dan kaki pada saat bersamaan. Ini cukup berat dan anda tidak perlu melakukannya ratusan kali sit ups. Posisi tubuh terlentang. Letakkan kedua telapak tangan di belakang kepala untuk kenyamanan tetapi jangan sampai menarik leher atau kepala. Angkat kedua kaki sehingga tampak seperti duduk di atas kursi. Silangkan kedua kaki. Lalu, simultaneously angkat kepala dan tarik lutut ke arah badan dengan perlahan. Kemudian secara perlahan turunkan kepala ke tanah dan kedua kaki kembali pada posisi duduk.
Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 20 Reps
- Intermediate 40 Reps
- Advanced 60 Reps
Sesi 2 (dari 3 sesi)
Warming up: jogging selama 5 menit.
Stretching: 5 minutes.
Down Stairs: Berdirilah di tangga paling atas menghadap ke samping. Posisikan badan seperti main sepatu roda. Lompatlah 1 step ke bawah, lentur, lalu lompat lagi 1 step ke bawahnya. Pastikan posisi badan lurus, termasuk hips dan kepala.
4 Set tiap kaki
- Beginner 20 Steps
- Intermediate 25 Steps
- Advanced 30 Steps
Stair Jumps: Latihan ini dilakukan di tangga atau dapat juga di perbukitan. Berdirilah di tangga paling bawah. Bersiap seperti posisi main sepatu roda. Lompat ke atas secara zigzag. Lompatlah sebanyak mungkin, usahakan menambah jumlah lompatan pada setiap set. Jika latihannya di permukaan bukit, berilah tanda jarak, dan tingkatkan lebih jauh lagi pada set berikutnya.
Lakukan 3 Set
- Beginner 10 Jumps
- Intermediate 10 Jumps
- Advanced 10 Jumps
Explosive Box Jumps: Siapkan box yang dapat dilompati, seperti kotak karton. Tinggi box sekitar 80cm untuk advanced, 50cm untuk intermediate, dan 20cm untuk beginner. Berdirilah berdampingan dengan box, kemudian melompat ke samping ke arah sebelah box. Begitu kaki mendarat, langsung melompat kembali ke seberang box. Kaki menyentuh tanah hanya sesaat saja. Posisi kepala tetap menghadap ke depan, dan badan tegak (tidak seperti saat main sepatu roda).
Lakukan 3 Set
- Beginner 12 Jumps
- Intermediate 16 Jumps
- Advanced 20 Jumps
Step Ups: Siapkan satu undakan (step). Step besar untuk advanced, step kecil untuk beginner. Berdirilah sejajar dengan step. Letakkan kaki kanan di bawah dan kaki kiri di atas step. Gunakan kaki kiri untuk a small hop in the air dan kemudian kembali ke posisi semula. Begitu kaki mendarat, lakukan hop berikutnya. Mudah kan? Sekarang berputarlah ke arah sebaliknya, dan gunakan kaki kanan.
Lakukan 3 Set
- Beginner 40 Reps
- Intermediate 60 Reps
- Advanced 100 Reps
Leg Lifts: Berbaring menghadap ke samping. Perlahan angkat kaki ke atas setinggi mungkin, dan turunkan kembali kaki secara perlahan. Setelah menyelesaikan satu reps, berbaliklah ke arah sebaliknya, tanpa istirahat. Selesaikan 3 set.
Setelah selesai, berbaringlah menghadap ke atas, letakkan kedua tangan di bawah pantat, lalu angkat kedua kaki ke atas, dan kembali ke bawah dengan posisi kaki tetap lurus. Jangan sampai kaki menyentuh tanah. Lakukan 3 set.
Low Walk: Letakkan satu kaki di depan dan satunya lagi di belakang dengan lutut di atas tanah. Tanpa berdiri, dorong kaki belakang ke depan seperti berjalan yang sangat rendah. Latihan ini sering disebut “jalan bebek” karena anda akan tampak seperti bebek berjalan.
Lakukan 2 Set setiap kaki
- Beginner 1 menit
- Intermediate 1,5 menit
- Advanced 2 menit
Sesi 3 (dari 3 sesi)
Warming up: jogging 5 menit.
Stretching: 5 menit.
Sesi 3 berbeda dengan 2 sesi sebelumnya karena lebih fokus pada lactic tolerance dan fitness daripada explosive power. Pertama akan saya jelaskan tentang pelatihan, kemudian program akan dipaparkan di belakang.
Split jumps, tuck jumps, cross overs, dan low walk sama dengan sesi 1 dan sesi 2. Latihan yang baru adalah the side 2 side jumps.
Side 2 side jumps: Bersiaplah seperti posisi main sepatu roda. Kepala menghadap ke depan. Jaga agar posisi badan tidak berubah. Julurkan salah satu kaki ke posisi you would be in at the end of a push. Dalam satu gerakan, pindahkan kaki ke posisi kaki lainnya. Badan harus digerakkan secara keras. Gerakan ini dilakukan tanpa berhenti atau berdiri sampai ada aba-aba pelatih.
Sekarang barulah menginjak pada program. Anda perlu menggunakan jam atau alarm yang dapat diprogram sebelum mulai berlatih. Anda dapat meminta bantuan teman untuk memegang stop watch.
Program latihan ini dilakukan tanpa istirahat.
Low walk: 2 menit
Tuck jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Split jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Side 2 side jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Cross overs:30 detik
Low walk: 15-20 menit
Low walk: 2 menit
Tuck jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Side 2 side jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Cross overs: 30 detik
Low walk: 2-10 menit
Low walk:1 menit
Tuck jumps:30 detik
Low walk:1 menit
Side 2 side jumps:30 detik
Low walk:1 menit
Cross overs:30 detik
Low walk:2 menit
Pendinginan (Warm down) jogging: 5 menit.
Latihan tambahan:
Jika anda merasa kecepatan kaki lemah, anda dapat melakukan latihan-latihan berikut ini. Latihan ini biasanya dilakukan beberapa minggu menjelang lomba, ketika anda menginginkan latihan yang tidak terlalu keras. Jangan lakukan latihan ini bersamaan hari dengan sesi-sesi latihan di atas.
Small stairs: Carilah tangga (beberapa trap) yang tidak terlalu tinggi. Berlarilah ke atas secepat mungkin seperti melakukan 1 langkah, NO MORE THAN 1. Ketika sampai di atas, berputarlah dan lari ke bawah secepatnya tanpa kehilangan kontrol. Anda tentu tidak ingin melukai kaki atau kesleo pergelangan kaki. Always run in control. Take a big rest (1-2 mins). 1 Rep = 1 time up and back down.
5 Set
Beginner : 1 Rep
Intermediate:1 Rep
Advanced:1 Rep
Downhill running: Find a SMALL grassy hill. Gently take off and let your legs do the work without pushing them to run faster. This exercise forces your legs to move faster than they normally can. Walk slowly back to the top and start again when you get there.
5 Set
Beginner : 1 Rep
Intermediate:1 Rep
Advanced:1 Rep
Well that's it, I hope you get a lot of benefit from these exercises and remember that technique is very important.
copyright © 2000, Bont Skates Pty Ltd. First Published 18/1/2000
- Beginner 12 Reps = 6 per leg
- Intermediate 14 Reps = 7 per leg
- Advanced 16 Reps = 8 per leg
Explosive Step: Latihan explosive step cukup berat maka jika kondisi lutut, punggung dan pergelangan kaki kurang fit, lewati dulu latihan ini. Cari satu pijakan (misal kotak) yang stabil untuk berdiri, tingginya sekitar tinggi lutut bagi pemula, dan 1 meter (setinggi pinggang) bagi advanced. Berdirilah di atas kotak tersebut. Landasan di bawahnya harus keras, bukan rumput. Step off the object, don't jump off. AS SOON as your feet touch the ground do a tuck jump straight up in the air, not forward. Tunggulah beberapa saat, kemudian lakukan lagi, atau jika anda berlatih dengan teman dapat bergantian. Pastikan anda benar-benar merasa siap sebelum lompatan berikutnya.
Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 8 Reps
- Intermediate 8 Reps
- Advanced 10 Reps
Split Jumps: Letakkan kaki kanan di depan, dan letakkan lutut kiri di atas tanah di belakang anda. Lalu, lompat setinggi mungkin, dan ubah posisi kaki kiri di depan dan kaki kanan di belakang. Begitu lutut belakang menyentuh tanah, lompat lagi. Teruslah melompat secara teratur tanpa berhenti sampai selesai 1 set.
Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 40 Reps = 20 per leg
- Intermediate 40-60 Reps = 20-30 per leg
- Advanced 70-100 Reps = 35-50 per leg
Cross-Overs: Bersiaplah seperti posisi bersepatu roda (lebih rendah dari posisi inline skater). Letakkan kaki kiri di belakang kaki kanan. Melompatlah dari kaki kanan ke kiri dan berakhir dengan posisi kaki kanan berada di belakang kaki kiri. Usahakan agar posisi kepala tetap tegak menghadap ke depan, jangan menghadap ke tanah.
Pada sesi awal latihan dilakukan selama 2 menit, istirahat 2 menit. Sesi berikutnya kalau anda ingin memiliki sprint bagus, tingkatkan 30 detik AS HARD AS YOU CAN.
Pada sesi awal lakukan 4-5 Set
- Beginner 90 detik, istirahat 120 detik
- Intermediate 120 detik, istirahat 120 detik
- Advanced 120 detik, istirahat 120 detik
Pada akhir sesi lakukan 4-5 Set
- Beginner 30 detik
- Intermediate 30 detik
- Advanced 30 detik
Sit Ups: Sit ups selalu diperlukan. Sit ups sangat membantu punggung saat lari jarak jauh. Saya temukan jenis sit ups terbaik yaitu kombinasi mengangkat crunch dan kaki pada saat bersamaan. Ini cukup berat dan anda tidak perlu melakukannya ratusan kali sit ups. Posisi tubuh terlentang. Letakkan kedua telapak tangan di belakang kepala untuk kenyamanan tetapi jangan sampai menarik leher atau kepala. Angkat kedua kaki sehingga tampak seperti duduk di atas kursi. Silangkan kedua kaki. Lalu, simultaneously angkat kepala dan tarik lutut ke arah badan dengan perlahan. Kemudian secara perlahan turunkan kepala ke tanah dan kedua kaki kembali pada posisi duduk.
Jumlah Set: 3
- Beginner 20 Reps
- Intermediate 40 Reps
- Advanced 60 Reps
Sesi 2 (dari 3 sesi)
Warming up: jogging selama 5 menit.
Stretching: 5 minutes.
Down Stairs: Berdirilah di tangga paling atas menghadap ke samping. Posisikan badan seperti main sepatu roda. Lompatlah 1 step ke bawah, lentur, lalu lompat lagi 1 step ke bawahnya. Pastikan posisi badan lurus, termasuk hips dan kepala.
4 Set tiap kaki
- Beginner 20 Steps
- Intermediate 25 Steps
- Advanced 30 Steps
Stair Jumps: Latihan ini dilakukan di tangga atau dapat juga di perbukitan. Berdirilah di tangga paling bawah. Bersiap seperti posisi main sepatu roda. Lompat ke atas secara zigzag. Lompatlah sebanyak mungkin, usahakan menambah jumlah lompatan pada setiap set. Jika latihannya di permukaan bukit, berilah tanda jarak, dan tingkatkan lebih jauh lagi pada set berikutnya.
Lakukan 3 Set
- Beginner 10 Jumps
- Intermediate 10 Jumps
- Advanced 10 Jumps
Explosive Box Jumps: Siapkan box yang dapat dilompati, seperti kotak karton. Tinggi box sekitar 80cm untuk advanced, 50cm untuk intermediate, dan 20cm untuk beginner. Berdirilah berdampingan dengan box, kemudian melompat ke samping ke arah sebelah box. Begitu kaki mendarat, langsung melompat kembali ke seberang box. Kaki menyentuh tanah hanya sesaat saja. Posisi kepala tetap menghadap ke depan, dan badan tegak (tidak seperti saat main sepatu roda).
Lakukan 3 Set
- Beginner 12 Jumps
- Intermediate 16 Jumps
- Advanced 20 Jumps
Step Ups: Siapkan satu undakan (step). Step besar untuk advanced, step kecil untuk beginner. Berdirilah sejajar dengan step. Letakkan kaki kanan di bawah dan kaki kiri di atas step. Gunakan kaki kiri untuk a small hop in the air dan kemudian kembali ke posisi semula. Begitu kaki mendarat, lakukan hop berikutnya. Mudah kan? Sekarang berputarlah ke arah sebaliknya, dan gunakan kaki kanan.
Lakukan 3 Set
- Beginner 40 Reps
- Intermediate 60 Reps
- Advanced 100 Reps
Leg Lifts: Berbaring menghadap ke samping. Perlahan angkat kaki ke atas setinggi mungkin, dan turunkan kembali kaki secara perlahan. Setelah menyelesaikan satu reps, berbaliklah ke arah sebaliknya, tanpa istirahat. Selesaikan 3 set.
Setelah selesai, berbaringlah menghadap ke atas, letakkan kedua tangan di bawah pantat, lalu angkat kedua kaki ke atas, dan kembali ke bawah dengan posisi kaki tetap lurus. Jangan sampai kaki menyentuh tanah. Lakukan 3 set.
Low Walk: Letakkan satu kaki di depan dan satunya lagi di belakang dengan lutut di atas tanah. Tanpa berdiri, dorong kaki belakang ke depan seperti berjalan yang sangat rendah. Latihan ini sering disebut “jalan bebek” karena anda akan tampak seperti bebek berjalan.
Lakukan 2 Set setiap kaki
- Beginner 1 menit
- Intermediate 1,5 menit
- Advanced 2 menit
Sesi 3 (dari 3 sesi)
Warming up: jogging 5 menit.
Stretching: 5 menit.
Sesi 3 berbeda dengan 2 sesi sebelumnya karena lebih fokus pada lactic tolerance dan fitness daripada explosive power. Pertama akan saya jelaskan tentang pelatihan, kemudian program akan dipaparkan di belakang.
Split jumps, tuck jumps, cross overs, dan low walk sama dengan sesi 1 dan sesi 2. Latihan yang baru adalah the side 2 side jumps.
Side 2 side jumps: Bersiaplah seperti posisi main sepatu roda. Kepala menghadap ke depan. Jaga agar posisi badan tidak berubah. Julurkan salah satu kaki ke posisi you would be in at the end of a push. Dalam satu gerakan, pindahkan kaki ke posisi kaki lainnya. Badan harus digerakkan secara keras. Gerakan ini dilakukan tanpa berhenti atau berdiri sampai ada aba-aba pelatih.
Sekarang barulah menginjak pada program. Anda perlu menggunakan jam atau alarm yang dapat diprogram sebelum mulai berlatih. Anda dapat meminta bantuan teman untuk memegang stop watch.
Program latihan ini dilakukan tanpa istirahat.
Low walk: 2 menit
Tuck jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Split jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Side 2 side jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Cross overs:30 detik
Low walk: 15-20 menit
Low walk: 2 menit
Tuck jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Side 2 side jumps: 30 detik
Low walk: 2 menit
Cross overs: 30 detik
Low walk: 2-10 menit
Low walk:1 menit
Tuck jumps:30 detik
Low walk:1 menit
Side 2 side jumps:30 detik
Low walk:1 menit
Cross overs:30 detik
Low walk:2 menit
Pendinginan (Warm down) jogging: 5 menit.
Latihan tambahan:
Jika anda merasa kecepatan kaki lemah, anda dapat melakukan latihan-latihan berikut ini. Latihan ini biasanya dilakukan beberapa minggu menjelang lomba, ketika anda menginginkan latihan yang tidak terlalu keras. Jangan lakukan latihan ini bersamaan hari dengan sesi-sesi latihan di atas.
Small stairs: Carilah tangga (beberapa trap) yang tidak terlalu tinggi. Berlarilah ke atas secepat mungkin seperti melakukan 1 langkah, NO MORE THAN 1. Ketika sampai di atas, berputarlah dan lari ke bawah secepatnya tanpa kehilangan kontrol. Anda tentu tidak ingin melukai kaki atau kesleo pergelangan kaki. Always run in control. Take a big rest (1-2 mins). 1 Rep = 1 time up and back down.
5 Set
Beginner : 1 Rep
Intermediate:1 Rep
Advanced:1 Rep
Downhill running: Find a SMALL grassy hill. Gently take off and let your legs do the work without pushing them to run faster. This exercise forces your legs to move faster than they normally can. Walk slowly back to the top and start again when you get there.
5 Set
Beginner : 1 Rep
Intermediate:1 Rep
Advanced:1 Rep
Well that's it, I hope you get a lot of benefit from these exercises and remember that technique is very important.
copyright © 2000, Bont Skates Pty Ltd. First Published 18/1/2000
Diterjemahkan dan diposting oleh: Rakhmat Supriyono, Pengamat Sepatu Roda, tinggal di Yogyakarta.
Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008
Petunjuk Umum untuk melatih Sepatu Roda (Inline Skate)
Artikel ini ditulis oleh Bill Begg, pelatih sepatu roda kaliber dunia (super coach) khusus untuk speed skating. Banyak skater dari seluruh penjuru dunia yang ribuan mil jauhnya datang ke dia untuk berlatih, dengan satu tujuan meraih medali emas! Di manapun dia melatih, selalu mencetak juara. Berikut ini adalah tips yang saya terjemahkan secara bebas, tanpa menambah-mengurangi arti.
1) Coaching is not an EGO trip: Tujuan dari atlet bukan untuk mencium lutut Anda karena Anda seorang pelatih. Hendaknya, kita bekerja untuk sebuah strategi bagaimana mencapai tujuan (mencetak juara). Ensure you don't elevate yourself to far above them, or you will lose the good strong willed athletes.
2) Great Coaches: kenalkan secara umum apa visi Anda, dan sampaikan ke atlet. Apakah Anda sudah punya visi ke depan untuk para atlet yang Anda latih?, Dan apakah visi Anda itu sudah sering disampaikan ke para atlet?
3) Ex Top Athletes, be aware, to not try & create life clones: Work with your athletes where they are currently at in their training. Until they work out of where they are, you won't get them to do exactly what you want them to do right away. It may take a year or two for this to happen.
4) Show them how: Don't tell them what to do, teach them what to do!
Ingat pepatah ini:
I see I forget,
I hear I forget
I see, I hear, I DO, I remember.
5) Don't take for granted that athletes understand: Pastikan Anda punya Tujuan, Strategi, & dan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapainya.
Sebagai pelatih Anda perlu untuk PRETEND to yourself, that your athletes, don't think, don't read, don't hear, ensure that they fully understand what it is you are trying to convey to them, so you can help them be successful.
Ask one of the group, to display or relate to the others what you have just asked them to do, then you will know, if you have communicated correctly.
6) Handle hesitant athletes differently than negative athletes: Anda sebagai coach & leader, harus bisa membedakan antara dua hal, as problems can be caused, by putting hesitant ones in the wrong box. You could lose a great potential athlete, beware and think about it, as we all do have them, Nurturing them, is the key.
7) Think Win, Win: In potential conflict situations with your athletes, there will be compromise, which always entails someone having to give up something, at some cost, where as win, win, is looking for a better solution, where no one loses out, easier said than done, but if good old Kiwi ingenuity is alive & well, its not a problem.
For example, I had a girl Claire an Intermediate under 17s that was going to give up, one section of people in the club were putting pressure on her, that she had to do the cycling that she disliked. I said to Claire that she did not need to bike & I was happy to see her 3 times per week, as she was part of the team & she probably wanted to be here with her friends, also if she gave up she would have trouble keeping her body in good shape, plus this way she could have her social life, I took the pressure off her, & she trained even on Christmas eve & boxing day night, she normally would not do that voluntarily, she got keener than ever & I saw her 5 times per week, she won all the Intermediate ladies track & road & was part of our team that won the senior mixed 4 track relay. The club & myself got what we wanted. She enjoyed her skating, remained in touch with friends & enjoyed winning, no one lost out, we all gained, therefore this is a Win Win.
8) A Problem: There is no such thing as a problem, only the lack of an idea.
9) Criticism: Ensure you sandwich, every bit of it, between two hefty slices of praise. Do not just constantly criticize your athletes.
10) Success & Speed of the group: Usually relates to the speed & success of the leader. You as the coach are the leader, or some leader in the group, success is directly relating to you.
11) Helping Them: That’s what your athletes are interested in. They want to know, how you are going to help them reach their goals, by helping others succeed, you will then ensure your own success.
12) Organised & Arranged: Athletes will do what is arranged & organised. They will support it even stronger, if they were part of helping create it.
13) Goal Setting Is Important: Have you ever tried to do a jigsaw puzzle, without looking at the picture first? To not have set goals would leave you in the same position.
The picture always needs to be clear, help your athletes achieve their goals, by implementing a plan, utilizing your resources & taking appropriate actions.
14) Your goals & Dreams: Drive you to get to training every night, to help your athletes, once you are there, yours are locked back in your subconscious, you are only interested in helping them fulfill their goals & dreams.
15) Invisible sign: Remember, everyone has an invisible sign around their neck, make me feel important. Everyone bar none, are susceptible to a little ego stroking.
16) Sport is part of your life: Encourage your athletes to have some other minor outlets, if their sport becomes their life totally, & things don't turn out right, you end up with major psychological problems. When training athletes fulltime, particularly females, when there is no commitment to weekend competitions, try to finish training by 10am Saturday morning, with no training till after 5pm Sunday. This allows them a life, to get out & enjoy themselves, barbecue's, weekends at the beach, disco's are all possible, plus there is a minor regeneration phase with nearly a day & a half, with no formal training sessions. It's win win situation. They get time out & the coach & athletes all have a rest, but you still get your sessions in, it works well for full time time athletes.
17) Life's Do's & Don'ts: Life is about doing what you have to do, to be able to do what you want to do. Are you prepared to change what you are now, for who you could become in the future? Ask your athletes this question & remind them of the 1st law of success. "The only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary".
18) You must be brave enough to risk failure: As a coach & as a competitor, in order to achieve success at the highest level you do a lot of experimenting & recording. If it doesn't bring the desired outcome, don't repeat it. Why do you think the average millionaire in the U.S.A. is 57 years old & been broke 5 times. They obviously tried something different, from what they had been doing previously. If you do what everyone else does & follow them, you will always be second, every new idea was invented by someone, why not you?
19) Whenever possible train your learners with your champions: This way they learn the good skills, lessons in self discipline & you can save yourself years of hardship in trying to teach them new skills as well as trying to change bad habits. The new athletes need the skilled coaches time. The skilled athletes usually only need their encouragement & inspiration, as they should know what they are doing & not need a crutch to lean on all the time. Another advantage is during warm ups & stretching etc. when the slower skaters can easily keep up with the faster ones. The good skaters can help the others without interrupting their training. You can utilise the buddy system.
20) Golden Rules:
(a) Treat others, how you yourself would like to be treated.
(b) Make your Athletes feel good about themselves.
(c) All athletes have potential, its up to you as the coach to find it.
(d) Train with a purpose, never ever train for the sake of training.
(e) For top level athletes, stress is a function of life & sport, you have to learn to cope with it, so you train for it, by once per week putting them under stress. For example in Perth we used to have them cycle the 70Km death valley course, but not as a group, solo at 2 minute intervals, with the stopwatch on everyone, they had times that they needed to achieve, the times were very hard & difficult to maintain. Another way is the mystery tour, an undetermined number of laps around the rink, giving it everything 2 laps to go... sorry a mistake, the lap counter was wrong coming for the finish, they have mixed up the laps now only 4 to go. Last lap give it everything, sorry haven't got the flag. Now give me another lap. You done that now one more for good luck.
(d) Be Productive, make a list of 6 things to do each day, tick off the list each day the ones you complete, those you don't, put back on your daily list till you do them, then you will be able to become productive.
© Bill Begg 2001. Edited by Alexander Bont
Diposting oleh Rakhmat Supriyono / Pemerhati Sepatu Roda, tinggal di Yogyakarta
Artikel ini ditulis oleh Bill Begg, pelatih sepatu roda kaliber dunia (super coach) khusus untuk speed skating. Banyak skater dari seluruh penjuru dunia yang ribuan mil jauhnya datang ke dia untuk berlatih, dengan satu tujuan meraih medali emas! Di manapun dia melatih, selalu mencetak juara. Berikut ini adalah tips yang saya terjemahkan secara bebas, tanpa menambah-mengurangi arti.
1) Coaching is not an EGO trip: Tujuan dari atlet bukan untuk mencium lutut Anda karena Anda seorang pelatih. Hendaknya, kita bekerja untuk sebuah strategi bagaimana mencapai tujuan (mencetak juara). Ensure you don't elevate yourself to far above them, or you will lose the good strong willed athletes.
2) Great Coaches: kenalkan secara umum apa visi Anda, dan sampaikan ke atlet. Apakah Anda sudah punya visi ke depan untuk para atlet yang Anda latih?, Dan apakah visi Anda itu sudah sering disampaikan ke para atlet?
3) Ex Top Athletes, be aware, to not try & create life clones: Work with your athletes where they are currently at in their training. Until they work out of where they are, you won't get them to do exactly what you want them to do right away. It may take a year or two for this to happen.
4) Show them how: Don't tell them what to do, teach them what to do!
Ingat pepatah ini:
I see I forget,
I hear I forget
I see, I hear, I DO, I remember.
5) Don't take for granted that athletes understand: Pastikan Anda punya Tujuan, Strategi, & dan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapainya.
Sebagai pelatih Anda perlu untuk PRETEND to yourself, that your athletes, don't think, don't read, don't hear, ensure that they fully understand what it is you are trying to convey to them, so you can help them be successful.
Ask one of the group, to display or relate to the others what you have just asked them to do, then you will know, if you have communicated correctly.
6) Handle hesitant athletes differently than negative athletes: Anda sebagai coach & leader, harus bisa membedakan antara dua hal, as problems can be caused, by putting hesitant ones in the wrong box. You could lose a great potential athlete, beware and think about it, as we all do have them, Nurturing them, is the key.
7) Think Win, Win: In potential conflict situations with your athletes, there will be compromise, which always entails someone having to give up something, at some cost, where as win, win, is looking for a better solution, where no one loses out, easier said than done, but if good old Kiwi ingenuity is alive & well, its not a problem.
For example, I had a girl Claire an Intermediate under 17s that was going to give up, one section of people in the club were putting pressure on her, that she had to do the cycling that she disliked. I said to Claire that she did not need to bike & I was happy to see her 3 times per week, as she was part of the team & she probably wanted to be here with her friends, also if she gave up she would have trouble keeping her body in good shape, plus this way she could have her social life, I took the pressure off her, & she trained even on Christmas eve & boxing day night, she normally would not do that voluntarily, she got keener than ever & I saw her 5 times per week, she won all the Intermediate ladies track & road & was part of our team that won the senior mixed 4 track relay. The club & myself got what we wanted. She enjoyed her skating, remained in touch with friends & enjoyed winning, no one lost out, we all gained, therefore this is a Win Win.
8) A Problem: There is no such thing as a problem, only the lack of an idea.
9) Criticism: Ensure you sandwich, every bit of it, between two hefty slices of praise. Do not just constantly criticize your athletes.
10) Success & Speed of the group: Usually relates to the speed & success of the leader. You as the coach are the leader, or some leader in the group, success is directly relating to you.
11) Helping Them: That’s what your athletes are interested in. They want to know, how you are going to help them reach their goals, by helping others succeed, you will then ensure your own success.
12) Organised & Arranged: Athletes will do what is arranged & organised. They will support it even stronger, if they were part of helping create it.
13) Goal Setting Is Important: Have you ever tried to do a jigsaw puzzle, without looking at the picture first? To not have set goals would leave you in the same position.
The picture always needs to be clear, help your athletes achieve their goals, by implementing a plan, utilizing your resources & taking appropriate actions.
14) Your goals & Dreams: Drive you to get to training every night, to help your athletes, once you are there, yours are locked back in your subconscious, you are only interested in helping them fulfill their goals & dreams.
15) Invisible sign: Remember, everyone has an invisible sign around their neck, make me feel important. Everyone bar none, are susceptible to a little ego stroking.
16) Sport is part of your life: Encourage your athletes to have some other minor outlets, if their sport becomes their life totally, & things don't turn out right, you end up with major psychological problems. When training athletes fulltime, particularly females, when there is no commitment to weekend competitions, try to finish training by 10am Saturday morning, with no training till after 5pm Sunday. This allows them a life, to get out & enjoy themselves, barbecue's, weekends at the beach, disco's are all possible, plus there is a minor regeneration phase with nearly a day & a half, with no formal training sessions. It's win win situation. They get time out & the coach & athletes all have a rest, but you still get your sessions in, it works well for full time time athletes.
17) Life's Do's & Don'ts: Life is about doing what you have to do, to be able to do what you want to do. Are you prepared to change what you are now, for who you could become in the future? Ask your athletes this question & remind them of the 1st law of success. "The only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary".
18) You must be brave enough to risk failure: As a coach & as a competitor, in order to achieve success at the highest level you do a lot of experimenting & recording. If it doesn't bring the desired outcome, don't repeat it. Why do you think the average millionaire in the U.S.A. is 57 years old & been broke 5 times. They obviously tried something different, from what they had been doing previously. If you do what everyone else does & follow them, you will always be second, every new idea was invented by someone, why not you?
19) Whenever possible train your learners with your champions: This way they learn the good skills, lessons in self discipline & you can save yourself years of hardship in trying to teach them new skills as well as trying to change bad habits. The new athletes need the skilled coaches time. The skilled athletes usually only need their encouragement & inspiration, as they should know what they are doing & not need a crutch to lean on all the time. Another advantage is during warm ups & stretching etc. when the slower skaters can easily keep up with the faster ones. The good skaters can help the others without interrupting their training. You can utilise the buddy system.
20) Golden Rules:
(a) Treat others, how you yourself would like to be treated.
(b) Make your Athletes feel good about themselves.
(c) All athletes have potential, its up to you as the coach to find it.
(d) Train with a purpose, never ever train for the sake of training.
(e) For top level athletes, stress is a function of life & sport, you have to learn to cope with it, so you train for it, by once per week putting them under stress. For example in Perth we used to have them cycle the 70Km death valley course, but not as a group, solo at 2 minute intervals, with the stopwatch on everyone, they had times that they needed to achieve, the times were very hard & difficult to maintain. Another way is the mystery tour, an undetermined number of laps around the rink, giving it everything 2 laps to go... sorry a mistake, the lap counter was wrong coming for the finish, they have mixed up the laps now only 4 to go. Last lap give it everything, sorry haven't got the flag. Now give me another lap. You done that now one more for good luck.
(d) Be Productive, make a list of 6 things to do each day, tick off the list each day the ones you complete, those you don't, put back on your daily list till you do them, then you will be able to become productive.
© Bill Begg 2001. Edited by Alexander Bont
Diposting oleh Rakhmat Supriyono / Pemerhati Sepatu Roda, tinggal di Yogyakarta
Sepatu Roda Rekreasi ALPHA buatan Bont

Satu lagi inovasi Bont.
Dua tahun lalu, Bont, perusahaan sepatu roda terbesar di Australia ini me-redesigned sepatu roda jenis racing dengan inovasi frame-sepatu 3-point.
Kali ini Bont membuat sepatu roda khusus rekreasi (a rec skate) — pertamakalinya, khusus untuk dewasa — tampak persis seperti sepatu roda jenis speed skate.
"It may look like a race skate," kata manajer pemasaran Bont Alexander Bont. "But we think this is the way rec skates should look."
Sepatu roda rekreasi ini dinamai Alpha, dengan 3-point frames.
Sama persis dengan bentuk racing, hanya di bagian ankle dibuat sedikit lebih tinggi, bahan frame sama, berbasis komposisi carbon, heat-moldable, frame 6000-series extruded aluminum, one-piece axles and memory foam.
Tampak lebih modern, tdk konvensional: lunak, flexible ankle cuff, dan heel brake
"Utilizing Bont's' Super Mold Technology, the skate doesn't need to use a molded plastic cuff or thick bulky padding," Bont said. "This means the skate is a lot lighter and the performance a lot higher than what you are used to in a typical rec skate."
A heel brake, a standard feature for most rec skates, is available as an option.
In many ways, the Alpha resembles Bont's Semi-Race skate, the company's answer to the so-called marathon category, which includes Rollerblade's Marathon Carbon and K2's Radical 100.
Tetapi Alpha "sedikit lebih berat" dibanding jenis Race, kata Bont. Dan ukuran rodanya lebih kecil: 84 atau 90mm.
Sepatu rekreasi Alpha ini harganya lebih mahal dibandingkan rec skate yang sebelumnya, yaitu: $235 (US) untuk roda 84mm; $250 untuk roda 90mm.
rakhmat supriyono, yogyakarta
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